Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Change in the Winds

The past few weeks have been very hot and dry in south Jersey and just about everywhere else nearby. Last night we finally got some much needed relief in the form of a nice cold-front. Now normally I stay true to my beach/surfer roots and love warm weather and bright sun. However after racing in two extremely hot, dry, and dusty races, I have changed my perspective. I have been cheering on the rain and cheering on cooler air temperatures. School was good today, the gloomy weather had an inverse effect on myself as compared with many of my classmates. I was in a very good mood despite having an AP Style Chemistry test right after lunch. The test went alright or at least I think it went alright. I can never tell with these tests. The rest of the day passed very quickly. I had to stay after school to make-up a marketing test that I missed last week. The test was based on Microsoft Excel; it was really easy. After school I rushed over to my bike shop, I wanted to get my race bike all tuned-up and ready to rock. It took awhile longer than I wanted it to but my bike has to work in order to at least eliminate one excuse. I rushed home and suited up in some heavier gear that has not been worn in 7 months, and took off on my road bike. It was cold and windy and getting dark way too fast. I again felt fast and smooth and really enjoyed being out riding. (I guess it takes crappy weather for me to really enjoy road riding???) However I spent most of the ride in the dark which wasn't exactly safe, oh well better luck next time. Tomorrow I leave for Uconn and then Gloucester Cross. Hopefully the winds keep blowing in my direction.


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